Monday, August 17, 2009

8/18 SEO SEM Services

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10 Reasons Why Journalists Will Write About Your Website
August 17, 2009 at 6:22 am

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." Jonathan Swift

Opportunities for great free publicity and inbound links are all around us. They arise every day from a host of newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news sites… but we just don't see them.

Often we don't see them because we don't look.

Our brains work on autopilot most of the time. We filter out lots of things that are happening all around us, they just pass us by unnoticed.

But once you start to look for something, you see it everywhere.

Several years ago, I was featured in the New York Times – and the feature gave a live link to my site. The link brought me a lot of traffic, other sites linked to me because I'd been featured and I got the search engine benefit of a link from a strong authority site. A fantastic piece of publicity.

Afterwards, I wondered how many other small businesses had been featured in the New York Times and whether they too had a link to their site.

I started looking for other examples of how link building and online public relations could work together. And sure enough I found them. I've continuing looking off and on, and I've built quite a collection of examples. Last week, I shared one of these examples with you in my article Is Online PR The Ultimate Link Building Technique?

In this article, I'd like to outline 10 reasons why a journalist would write about your website, and I want to give you real examples that will inspire you to try the same.

An important online PR tip

Before jumping into the examples, I can't stress enough that if you want to get this type of coverage and the links it will bring, you've got to start paying attention to news. Not only in your own industry but in the general media that reaches a wider population.

News is something most of us consume every day. But we do so without giving it a second thought, and once read it's quickly forgotten. Reading business stories of the kind we'd all like to be featured in, how much of the story do we really take in?

How about asking questions like:

* Why did the journalist choose to write about that?
* What are the main themes of the story?
* How often have you seen these themes before?
* Why did the story appear now?
* Why write about this business and not that one?

Answer these questions and you start to see what journalists look for in a story and understand how the media works. You'll see, as Jonathan Swift puts it, "what is invisible to others". And when you see what is invisible to others, you have an advantage.

I've been looking at this for years so let me give you my top 10 reasons journalists write about small businesses, together with some of the great examples I've found.

1. They need to create a list

When journalists review a particular topic – say holiday destinations, specialist food suppliers, restaurants, they often provide a list of recommended suppliers.

This is one of the most common ways that a small businesses can get both coverage and a link to their website. For examples, Five upstate New York spas for a relaxing weekend from the Daily News and Cheap travel and vacations are out there from the Boston Globe.

In order to compile these lists journalists will search Google, scan directories and otherwise look for highly visible businesses online. If you do your homework and make sure you appear in the places journalists are likely to look, then you stand a good chance of being considered.

Action: Make sure you can be found on popular directories, Google news and general searches.

2. They need a seasonal story

Editorial stories follow a very careful calendar and features and content will be planned months in advance. So if you get in early with a relevant message clearly geared to a specific event or season, you raise your chances of getting coverage.

For example, feature story in The New York Times in early summer focused on barbequing outdoor food with real wood, instead of charcoal. The story earned two small companies some valuable links. You'll find the story here - Seasonal start-ups seek promotion.

Action: Anticipate these seasonal stories and submit your ideas to journalists well in advance.

3. They want to follow up on a big story

Jeremy Paxman, a famous English journalist, author and television presenter, created a stir when he publicly criticized the quality of underwear available from Marks and Spencers. The temptation to do a follow up was irresistible to many journalists and provided underwear and lingerie retailers with some valuable links. BBC personality says his underwear is a load of pants.

Action: Learn how to 'piggy back' on big stories. Set up Google alerts using your major keywords and every morning browse the results looking for opportunities to react.

4. They're writing about a competitor

Journalist often want to give balance in business articles they write. This story, Your Photos, Off the Shelf at Last in the New York Times was essentially about but for balance, the journalist included a link to Therefore if they're writing about one of your major competitors, they may give you a mention too – especially if you appear alongside them in Google searches.

Action: Monitor whether you appear in searches alongside your competitors. Track their major keywords and aim to appear in the results pages too.

5. They're writing about a particular group and you fit the bill

Journalists will often cover business stories from specific groups, for example, mature entrepreneurs. This article from the BBC tells the story of a number of over-50s entrepreneurs and provides a link to a business and a support organization. You can check the story out at Mature entrepreneurs come of age.

Action: It often pays to join special interest groups. Not only will you get great help, but you'll find opportunities to volunteer for media interviews – take them!

6. You've won an unusual order

Your own order book can entice a journalist to write about you. Valerie Johnston who started Big Feet Pyjama Co. from her own home, not only created an unusual product, but had it included in the Academy Awards Gift Baskets. Her rapidly growing business has been featured in over 100 media outlets including the New York's Daily News. Read Valerie's story - Big Feet strides towards big profits.

Action: Make sure you look through your customer lists for potentially interesting stories. Get your customer to agree and then contact the media.

7. They need an example to illustrate a national trend

Marcia and Tom Blackwell founded Blackwell's Organic Gelato in 2005. At the time, financing the business with a home equity line of credit. However, the credit crunch meant that in 2009, the bank froze the line of credit. The Blackwells made a perfect example of how the crunch is affecting small American businesses.

See Falling house prices effects entrepreneurial opportunities.

Action: Monitor big news stories and wherever you can provide a concrete example volunteer information.

8. They need an example to illustrate federal legislation

The federal stimulus package may provide the experienced environmental company with a large boost. In Taking green global we give the background to the company that attracted CNN.

Action: Always be ready to feature in larger breaking stories.

9. They need expert comment

Journalist are rarely experts in industry. Their job is often to write about and explain things that they don't fully understand. Therefore they need the help of experts who they can ask to explain complex issues. If you get known for your ability to speak clearly and simply on your industry, then there's a good chance that trade journalists will seek you out. Perform well and they will come back time and again.

The business travel website illustrated the use of this marketing method in a New York Times article on the battle to implement Wi-Fi internet access on domestic airlines. See The power of comment.

Action: You can probably speak well and be understood by peers in your industry. But can you speak in everyday language and explain complex issues. Practice this skill and make sure journalists know of your ability.

10. They need an award winner

Interviewing small businesses can often be a difficult job. From the start a journalist may not know whether you're going to be reliable and deliver the important content they need. However, if you're an award-winning small business they have outside proof that there is something special about your company and they will come back time and again whenever they need a story. Green Dragon Pest Solutions is in that happy position - Friendly Pest Killer Strikes Again.

Action: Always be on the look out for industry awards you can enter. Even if you don't win, the involvement can bring you to the attention of news hungry journalists.

Let me remind you of the quote, I started this article off with - "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others," Jonathan Swift. Start looking for media opportunities and you will surely find them.

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Friday, August 7, 2009


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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/14 Ev's Health and Fitness Blog

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Grippy Swingy Climbey Spidey
April 14, 2009 at 1:33 am

Top-rope from 6:30 to 9:30
Lots of down time and chit chat. A few folks came and went so the numbers and belay partners kept shifting. It was great to catch up with the group. Some of the usuals were in attendance plus Holla Hodges and Master P -Polly. Those girls rock.
I did:
10 a, 10b/c, 10d,11a
I don't think I got any of these clean, except maybe the first one. The 11a was a bitch but very satisfying. My arms and fingers need a rest. I had planned to join the Tue. night social climbing group at GWPC but I don't think it's a good idea to climb three days in a row. Been down that stubborn road before and I ended up in chronic pain.

Food Log:
8 oz kefir, 4 oz carrot juice
apple, 2 oz buffalo patty (ha ha ha ha, that sounds gross)
coffee, tangerine
1 c LF yogurt
3 oz chicken, green salad, green beans, tangerine
apple, almonds
3 oz chicken, green salad
Total ~13P,9C,12F

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Monday, April 13, 2009

4/13 Ev's Health and Fitness Blog

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First Outdoor Climbing, Weight Vest, Ring-Dip Practice
April 12, 2009 at 3:28 pm

Natl. wod = 30 muscle-ups for time.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Since I planned to go climbing at Mt. Diablo later, I opted to do the ring-dup sub but skip the pull-up portion. I used skinny band, not so skinny. This was hard work. I worked up a sweat and I'll feel it in my triceps tomorrow for sure.

AMRAP w/ 20# weight vest
5 push-up
10 sit-up
15 squat
11 rounds + 10 sit-ups
This felt great; hard and satisfying. I feel like I'm getting my game back.

Food Log:
1 oz mozz, 1 egg, 1 tangerine
carrot juice, strawberries, bit of chicken
green salad w/ chicken and mozz
to be continued...

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4/13 Fitness Elements

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Have a Speggtagular Easter!
April 12, 2009 at 1:58 pm

Happy Easter
to all my wonderful Friends & Family!

Love Always,



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Sunday, April 12, 2009

4/12 Ev's Health and Fitness Blog

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Edging Back Towards Frantasticness.
April 11, 2009 at 11:26 pm

10 am wod:
3 rounds 500 m row
21 burpee
400 m run
Time 21:40

4 pm Fran
65# thruster
Time 8:24 Same time as 10/21/08, aka my last PR. Good. My feedback was that it looked like I could've gone harder on the thrusters. I'd have to agree. I avoid extreme discomfort. I don't mind the pain. Getting winded is worse but tolerable. Feeling queasy, I avoid at all costs. As for my pull-ups, they were better today but they need work. I'm out of practice, heavier and don't have a clue about the butterfly. More for the list.

50 reps split b/w two people:
wall ball--me ~15)
kb swing--me ~25
pull-up--me ~30
squats--me ~20
Time 8:18
The labor distribution was pretty skewed. Melissa is much better at wall balls and I was supposed to do more of the pull-ups but after Fran I was pretty tired. Good workout day, overall though.

Food Log:
carrot juice
Lance bar
english muffin w/ butter, coffee
2 oz skim mozz
carrot juice, grapes
yellow curry chicken w/ green beans, peanut sauce
Total ~5 P,15C,12F
Ooops, heavy carb day.

Semi-famous for one day...
April 11, 2009 at 6:44 pm

I'd like to frame this. I was at CrossFit Oakland from November 2006 through January 2008 and just started up again. I have never had my name up for performance of the day, ever, until yesterday. Nice for me. So I screwed up on the math. It was really 500. Whateva.

April 10, 2009

"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Women: Ev 490
Men: Tristan 890

10 am wod:
3 rounds 500 m row
21 burpee
400 m run
Time 21:40

4 pm Fran
65# thruster

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4/12 Fitness Elements

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Are your bad habits making your kids fat or fit?
April 11, 2009 at 5:21 pm

If you want to keep a Fit Teenager Versus a Fat Teenager then these 2 Rules you must apply

Breakfast for your Teens brains

Want to give your teen a head start to higher grades in school? Bring on the breakfast, says Nutrition Expert Pyles. A study found that skipping breakfast has no negative effect on teens ' attention spans in high school ; however, students reported feeling more alert after eating breakfast .
In an article in the August 2008 issue of Pediatrics , researchers tested teens' ability to remain alert in class when fasting and after eating breakfast. During the study , half of the 104 students (aged 13-20) consumed breakfast, while the other half-the control group-did not; midway through the study the teens who were the original controls were given breakfast , while the other half were not. The teens were tested and measured for cognitive functioning, attention sustanibility and alertness.
Although consuming breakfast did not have any effect on the teens' ability to sustain attention, it did make them feel better: their moods improved after eating their morning meal , and they scored better on memory tests then they did after fasting.
"With an increasing number of children and adolescents skipping breakfast, there is a need for scientific studies evaluating whether omission of breakfast affects the cognitive functioning and mood of fasting students," the researchers concluded. In my opinion you should practice making your kids eat breakfast this will start them out with good behaviors and habits early on to prevent weight gain in the years to come. Remember it is easier to change in your youthful years because as you get older your metabolism slows down.

Why lack of sleep makes kids fat and you should be aware

Researchers know that people who sleep for only a few hours each night are more likely to be obese. But now a new study has shown that those who are sleep deprived during childhood are at significantly higher risk for becoming obese as adults.
Study participants included a cohort of 1,037 boys and girls born between April 1972 and March 1973. Parental reports of bedtimes and rising times at ages 5 , 7, 9 and 11 were used to estimate childhood sleep times. The researchers later compared participant's sleep times to their body mass index (BMI) scores at age 32.
Shorter childhood sleep times were significantly associated with higher adult BMI values, even after adjusting for other potential factors, such as socioeconomic status, parental weight or physical activity /television viewing.
Writing in the November 2008 issue of Pediatrics, the researchers concluded that "these findings suggest that sleep restriction in childhood increases the long-term risk for obesity. Ensuring that children get adequate sleep may be useful startegy for stemming the current obesity epidemic." This is a very serious matter and very close to my heart for those of you who know me or may not know me. I was an obese teenager and experienced this first hand you must take a stand with your kids! This will affect many areas of their life, so let's work together as one.
Light's out, kid's!

By, Natalie Pyles

Fitness, & Weight-loss Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author, & NSA Speaker

P.S. Call today for Your FREE Nutrition & Fit test to make sure you and your kids are Physically fit in all areas mind, body, and spirit 480-212-1947 or fax request 623-399-4199 or 1-800-681-9894 have a great day!

Call the Recipe Detectives! Happy Easter
April 11, 2009 at 1:07 pm

In Season: Asparagus

Now's the time to stalk up on these sensational spears.

What it looks like: Picture a slim green spear, often tinged with a bit of purple at the tip.

Selection tips: Look for firm, bright green stalks with tight, compact heads. Avoid spears that are dry, limp, or wrinkled, or have ruffled tips. Thinner spears are usually more tender, and you'll want to choose similarly sized ones so they'll cook evenly. One pound equals 16 to 20 spears, or about two cups chopped.

Storage tips: Try not to buy asparagus too long before you intend to cook it. When you get it home, don't wash it; instead, either stand the stalks upright in about an inch of water and cover them (and the container) with a plastic bag, or wrap the stem ends in a wet paper towel and seal the asparagus in a plastic bag. Either way, it will keep for only about three days.

Preparing: First, thoroughly wash the asparagus. You don't want to soak it; just hold the stalks upside down under cold water and shake them a bit to release any sand that might be caught in the tips. Then hold both ends of each spear and bend; the tough, fibrous base should snap right off. (This step is unnecessary in thinner spears, which are completely edible.) Then, pick one of three easy ways to prepare this delicate spring treat:

• Boil it. To boil asparagus, tie the stalks together with kitchen string, then stand them up in a cooking pot so the tips are just above the water line. If the stalks are too tall to allow you to use the regular lid to the pan, invert another pan on top instead. (Note: glass and ceramic coffeepots make ideal asparagus cookers.) Cook them only until they're crisp-tender, then remove them from the heat and drain them thoroughly.

• Nuke it. You can also cook asparagus in the microwave. Arrange the stalks spoke-fashion, tips toward the center, in about two tablespoons of water in a round baking dish. Cover and cook at HIGH for 7 to 10 minutes, or until crisp-tender. Be sure to rotate the dish half way through if you're not using a carousel.

• Eat it raw. Slice thin, fresh asparagus and add to a salad, or serve whole spears alongside your favorite dip.

Peak growing season: While hothouses provide asparagus year-round, the freshest is grown between February and June.

Health benefits: Eating this tender veggie is an excellent way to help protect yourself against heart disease, as it contains lots of folate, as well vitamins E, A, and C. In addition to helping your heart, folate (a B vitamin) helps cells regenerate; vitamin E fights Type II diabetes; and vitamins A and C help hold cancer and cataracts at bay. Asparagus also contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure and perhaps even cholesterol.

Nutritional info: One-half cup of boiled asparagus (about six spears) equals approximately 22 calories, 1.4 grams of fiber, 2.3 grams of protein, 0.3 gram of fat (0.1 of it saturated), 10 milligrams of sodium, and no cholesterol.

P.S. Call Now for your FREE Urban cookbook 480-212-1947 or fax request at 623-399-4199 or visit today!

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